Showing posts with label conspiracy theories. Show all posts
Showing posts with label conspiracy theories. Show all posts

04 August 2024

The CARET "Dragonfly Drone" Incident: Another Linda Moulton Howe Farce.

Whenever Linda Moulton Howe appears online or on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory—or any other paranormal radio show—you can be rest assured it’s going to be an off-the-hook batshit crazy dumpster fire of a train wreck.

During the early stages of her career, Howe focused on addressing environmental issues. As Director of Special Projects at KMGH-TV in Denver from 1978 to 1983, she produced impactful documentaries such as Poison in the Wind and A Sun Kissed Poison—both of which exposed high levels of smog pollution in Los Angeles and Denver. She produced others: Fire In The Water, which advocated for using hydrogen as a cleaner energy source and A Radioactive Water, which revealed the dangers of uranium contamination in a Denver suburb's drinking water. Her contributions were instrumental in WCVB-TV receiving the Institutional Peabody Award for institutional excellence in 1975.

At that time, cattle mutilations were happening throughout the western United States, which led to Howe producing a 1980 documentary called A Strange Harvest, which propelled her into the spotlight.

And enabled Howe to party crash the ufology field and its eclectic subculture.

A Strange Harvest postulated that mysterious wounds found on cattle were the result of extraterrestrial beings harvesting body parts and accused the U.S. government of being involved in a cover-up. For her work, she received a Regional Emmy award for Audio Achievement in 1981 and solidified her reputation as a fierce defender of these ideas.

Note that: “Regional Emmy award for Audio Achievement.”

Howe’s proud of that Emmy and its something she and her adherents never fail to remind us. It’s an award for sound achievement, it has nothing to do with the subject matter. But, hey, it sounds impressive and gives her some gravitas.

That said, it was a life changing moment for Howe; presenting herself as the ever-intrepid investigative reporter, she delved further into UFO conspiracy theories and made claims about connections between cattle mutilations, UFOs and government secrecy. While she claimed to have been shown secret documents by a government agent—one such claim was that in 1983, she was shown a secret presidential briefing paper that revealed how aliens created Jesus and placed him on Earth “to teach mankind about love and non-violence.”

So, basically, Howe’s work might have inspired the Ridley Scott Alien prequel, Prometheus.

While Howe won over some in the ufology field, there were critics, including author John Greer, who believed her evidence lacked credibility and was based solely on decaying cow carcasses.

As noted in Howe’s RationalWiki entry, many weren’t impressed with her brand of shoddy journalism, highlighted by her “gullibility and deceptive ‘reports’ have caused even staunch ufologists to give her extremely low marks for credibility.”

Other observations:

UFO Watchdog: “Someone once summed up Howe very well with two words: ‘Media entrepreneur’. While having been a major player in the cattle mutilation mystery, Howe’s credibility has gone way downhill as she sensationalizes everything from mundane animal deaths to promoting Brazilian UFO fraud Urandir Oliveira and the Aztec UFO Crash Hoax while selling alien books, videos and lectures. Howe dabbles in all things strange including Bigfoot, crop circles, alien abductions, and UFOs. Howe also sits on the board of advisors to the Roswell UFO Museum along with the likes of Don Schmitt. See Howe’s site——which she actually charges a subscription for in order to access some stories. Also see Howe turning an explained animal death into an encounter with Bigfoot. A leap not even Bigfoot itself could make.”

Saucer Smear magazine: “The most hilarious web posting we have read in a very long time comes from Whitley Strieber's Unknown Country, dated 9/30/05. Linda Moulton Howe is described as ‘our Dreamland science reporter’. We ask—what, if any, are the scientific qualifications of this pleasant but extremely gullible lady?? Inquiring minds would like to know!”

Here’s a LMH sizzle reel of hijinks and conspiracy theory woo woo:

  • Bigfoot DNA: Howe says Melba Ketchum has proof that Bigfoot exists.
  • Strange Explosions Sweeping the US: Howe describes alleged booms, flashes of light, ominous trumpet sounds.
  • Animal Mutilations Strike Again: Howe says it’s happening in Waddy, Kentucky.
  • The Return of Ezekiel's Wheel: Howe describes recent “eyewitness sightings” of that Biblical thing in the sky.
  • Pyramids Discovered in Alaska and Turkey: According to Howe, they are “immense structures not only built but used in some unknown way for a thousand years.”
  • Unexplained Explosions Now Worldwide: Howe says the world is blowing up, supposedly starting with Clintonville, Wisconsin.
  • Missing Time: Howe scoops “a rare case of documented missing time.”
  • Unknown objects in our skies: What are we NOT being told—yes, there’s an Obama conspiracy to deny UFO presence, according to Howe.
  • Kansas City UFO Wave: Howe says a “remarkable series of UFO sightings” are being debunked by the media due to some kind of conspiracy.
  • The Rendlesham Code: Howe endorses a UFO contactee’s claims of having telepathically downloaded binary code numbers from aliens.
  • Unprecedented Wave of Animal Mutilations: Howe warns of a “massive worldwide wave” of hacked-up animals.
  • Project Serpo: Howe was one of the first to be taken for a ride by this hoax. As of 2017, she is still saying, with a straight face, that Ebens are our allies in some sort of galactic war.
  • Thermo-nuclear war on Mars: Howe uncritically accepts and promotes the dotty ideas of John Brandenburg, thereby disqualifying herself as any kind of science reporter.

·         Secret extended Apollo missions: On 29 November 2018 Howe web-published a 3-part essay about Apollo missions 18, 19 and 20, which, she alleges, were carried out in secret and involved contact with aliens. Her information came from one Jon Harold Lavine, who claimed to have been one of the astronauts involved. On the same date Howe talked for two hours on this topic on Coast to Coast AM. She later retracted but characterized Lavine as a victim of MKULTRA memory-substitution rather than what he actually is—a fraud.

Along the way, Howe crossed paths with the infamous Air Force Office of Special Investigations officer Richard Doty. But that’s a story for another day.

In 2007, as Howe clicked through her inbox, she discovered a dozen photos of peculiar objects. This piqued her curiosity and sparked a desire to uncover their origins and purpose.

And, well, this is how the entire embarrassing situation started.

Howe later learned that from the span of 2006 to 2007, a plethora of individuals scattered across the United States claimed to have witnessed the same anomalous UFO. Described as a saucer-shaped object with thin wires protruding about 30 feet into the air, it measured at only 25 feet in diameter and two feet thick, making it impossible for any human pilot to control. Dubbed “Dragonfly Drones,” these objects baffled observers with their peculiar movements and seemingly remote operation.

Rumors swirled about their origins—were they extraterrestrial beings spying on our planet? Or perhaps a clandestine venture by the government's covert space program? The unexplained phenomena captured the imagination of Howe, who dove deeper into the mysteries surrounding the dragonfly drones. She would later learn that the pictures—all of them—were captured at the Big Basin in California, specifically in the Redwoods area.

Based on her vast experience in the UFO field –no, no—Howe’s history of willful gullibility, deceptive ‘reports and plain and simple shoddy journalism, she felt the photos were authentic and she believed the eyewitness reports.

Enter Isaac. That name has an interesting connection and I’ll talk about that in a bit.

Following the script, not long after getting the photos, Howe received a phone call from a man known only as Isaac. Not surprisingly, Isaac was connected to a top-secret government project known as CARET: Commercial Applications Research for Extraterrestrial Technology; the project was based in Palo Alto, Calif., and he had information on the Dragonfly Drone UFOs. 

Shortly after receiving the photos, she received a phone call from a person who said he had secret information about the dragonfly drones. He wouldn’t give his real name and only used the name Isaac.

In short, Isaac’s account was a modified version of Bob Lazar’s claims: A few hundred scientists, including Isaac, were attempting to reverse engineer alien or nonhuman intelligence technology—the Dragonfly Drones. Howe first talked about the Dragonfly Drones during a 29 May 2008 C2C AM appearance. Of course, Howe firmly believed the Drones were part of the CARET program; she would later present photos and documents from Isaac. Again, she was certain this was a black project program overseen by the government.


A few months before, on History Channel’s seventh episode (season one) of UFO Hunters, Bill Birnes and the crew were in Colorado, where they met with Colorado MUFON—Mutual UFO Network—and they discussed the very same Dragonfly Drone UFOs. After some scripted antics, Colorado MUFON and the UFO Hunters felt that the Dragonfly Drones were some sort of psyops program or what have you. Titled “Reverse Engineering,” the episode was first broadcast on 19 March 2008.

It was interesting—and perplexing—that alleged UFO sightings from California ended up in the hands of Colorado MUFON instead of the California groups.

Oh well.

Flash forward to 15 Dec. 2008 and it’s the second season’s thirteenth episode of Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles called “Earthlings Welcome Here.” Throughout the previous episodes, there are mysterious drones—later found out to be reverse from Terminator tech—appear and Sarah goes to a UFO Experience Conference, searching for a shadowy blogger named . . . .


The Old Testament, anyone? Abraham? Isaac?

Both “Abraham” and “Isaac” have knowledge of UFO drones—both drone projects reverse-engineered from advanced tech.

Yes. It was a viral marketing for TSCC. The link is here:

It should be noted that despite the truth behind the Dragonfly Drones and that it’s been known since Dec. 2008—people still believe they are here and real.

If someone at TSCC wanted to stir things up within the UFO community—sending photos and having a mysterious informant—choosing Linda Moulton Howe was a stroke of genius.

She’ll never learn.

She’ll keep falling for hoaxes and what have you for years to come.

 Be seeing you.


Gaia Article on the Dragonfly Drones

Dragonfly Drone UFOs solved

UFO Hunters: Reverse Engineering

The photos Howe received from Isaac

Drone photos from the episode.

26 July 2024

Netflix Docuseries Encounters: The Stephenville Lights.

Angelia Joined, staff reporter for the Stephenville Empire-Tribune, who broke the story about the Stephenville Lights UFO sightings. She would later lose her job.

On 8 Jan. 2008, one of the most famous UFO sightings happened in a central Texas town called Stephenville. It was the largest UFO incident since the 13 March 1997 Phoenix Lights event. From the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON)—one of the largest private UFO investigation organizations—May 2008 reports:

On January 10, 2008, the MUFON Case Management System (CMS) began to receive more than its normal number of sighting reports. In less than seven days the system had received over 100 new sightings in central Texas. The Texas Chapter of MUFON was now faced with a large logistical problem of interviewing over 100 witnesses. After a discussion with Ken Cherry, the Texas State Director, it was decided that an email be sent out to the MUFON Field Investigators located in the cities surrounding the Dublin/ Stephenville area requesting assistance. Texas has over 40 Field Investigators.
An email request was sent to the FIs in Dallas, Ft Worth, Abilene, Waco and Austin, and eight investigators committed themselves to a project that has never been attempted in the history of MUFON—to interview a large number of witnesses at one time.

I contacted Angelia Joiner of the Stephenville Tribune; she was the first reporter to break the story on January 10. Among other matters, we told her of our need for a meeting location. A short time later, a meeting room was donated for our use by the Dublin Dr Pepper Co and the Dublin Rotary Club. MUFON Texas held a meeting on January 19 for witnesses to come forward and make reports. A second meeting was held February 23.

To give you some perspective as to the number of sighting reports received, we need to go to the MUFON online Case Management System (CMS). Since MUFON began computerized record keeping in 1995, 568 sightings have been reported online for the state of Texas, with sightings reported which date back to 1947. (Figure 1.) In contrast, during the short period from November 2007 to March 1, 2008, an estimated 300 new reports were recorded via CMS and in-person reports.

The months of January and February produced 259 sighting reports. On January 8 alone—the day of the most publicized sightings—CMS received a total of 19 sighting reports from across Texas, of which 10 were reports of sightings from the Stephenville-Dublin area. (Figures 2 and 3.) Many of the sighting reports described large lights in the sky coming on and going off in sequence. Descriptions were varied. There were two “official” daylight sightings of large objects. The object was described as gray in color, emitting no sound, and moving at a high rate of speed.

On the same night, nearly 1900 miles to the northwest in Yreka, Calif.—and the surrounding Northern California and Southern Oregon region, there were a number of UFO sightings. I got the assignment and spoke with witnesses, California MUFON investigators and even called Angelia at her newsroom.

That’s how we met.

I wrote the story and kept in touch with Angelia. Friended one another on Facebook. Then, she told me that she had been fired; she alluded that the Empire-Tribune was getting pressure from either the government or military. Angelia said she’d walked into the newsroom and her computer was missing from her desk.

Someone took her work laptop. Remember that.

When editor Sara Vanden Berge informed Angelia that she’d been fired, Berge demanded that all reporter’s field notebooks had to be handed over too.

Berge, Angelia told me, was very insistent.

In the Netflix docuseries Encounters, the first episode is about the Stephenville UFO incidents and Berge is interviewed. Angelia died from Covid on 7 Jan. 2021, a day after Covid had taken her husband, Randell.

Sara Vanden Berge.

Berge was never thrilled with the UFO articles and was unhappy about the coverage; she was embarrassed and worried that these articles would make her look bad. There were rumors Berge was jealous of the attention Angelia received—from TV and radio interviews, talking to Art Bell and Larry King and so on. In fact, it was rumored that Berge was very bitter and all too eager to fire Angelia.
So, I watched that first episode. It brought back a lot of memories, stories, things Angelia had written and told me. It was well done and I’m glad my friend got the credit she deserved.

Watching Berge, however, was sickening. In my opinion, Sara Vanden Berge is a vile, lying manipulative wench. Her final scene was very passable acting, as she reflected on “firing” Angelia.

Angelia Joiner was a damn fine reporter. She took the subject seriously and treated the eyewitnesses with respect. Overall, she was a very decent person.

She was a friend too.

She deserved better.

Be seeing you.


14 July 2024

Don't Let It Happen Here . . . Again.

I’d first heard of this book while reading about mainstream writers who wrote—not on purpose, some would say—science fiction. I was 13 at the time. I was blown away by it.

The novel was called It Can’t Happen Here. From Wikipedia:

Sinclair Lewis’s It Can't Happen Here is an alarming, eerily timeless work. The Chicago Tribune described the book as “written at white heat,” for Lewis was outraged as he created it, tormented by Hitler's aggression, the murderous events in Franco’s Spain, and nationalism rising in America. This book remains a warning about the fragility of democracy, juxtaposing hilarious satire with a blow-by-blow description of a president “saving” the country from welfare cheaters, sex, crime and the liberal press by becoming a dictator.

In 1936, American Senator Berzelius “Buzz” Windrip enters the presidential election campaign on a populist platform, promising to restore the country to prosperity and greatness, and promising each citizen $5,000 per year. Portraying himself as a champion of “the forgotten man” and “traditional” American values, Windrip defeats incumbent President Franklin D. Roosevelt for the Democratic nomination, and then beats his Republican opponent, Senator Walt Trowbridge, in the November election.

Having previously foreshadowed some authoritarian measures to reorganize the government, Windrip outlaws dissent, incarcerates political enemies in concentration camps then trains and arms a paramilitary force called the Minute Men—named after the Revolutionary War militias—who terrorize citizens and enforce the policies of a corporatist regime. One of Windrip’s first acts as president is to eliminate the influence of Congress, which draws the ire of many citizens and the legislators themselves. The Minute Men respond to protests harshly, attacking demonstrators with bayonets. In addition to these actions, Windrip's administration, known as the Corpo government, curtails women's and minority rights then eliminates individual states by subdividing the country into administrative sectors.

The government of these sectors is managed by Corpo authorities, usually prominent businessmen or Minute Men officers. Those accused of crimes against the government appear before kangaroo courts presided over by military judges.

Most Americans approve of these dictatorial measures, seeing them as painful but necessary steps to restore American power.

Sound familiar?

It happened here in 2016. We cannot let it happen again.

Get a copy of the novel. A man ahead of his time, Lewis profoundly understood the American character and ripped away smug platitudes to give readers the truth. In 1935, the Springfield Republican called It Can’t Happen Here “a message to thinking Americans.” Thinking Americans still need to hear it.

Be seeing you.

. . 

07 July 2024

Flat Earther Astronaut: #FAFO.

Pictured above is Mike Hughes, a staunch believer in the idiotic Flat Earth theory, who constructed a steam-powered rocket to prove his belief.

Sadly, on his final launch attempt on 22 Feb. 2020, Hughes died in a crash near Barstow, Calif. The rocket was built by both Hughes and his collaborator Waldo Stakes. Witnesses at the launch reported that the parachute, meant for landing, seemed to deploy too early and detach from the craft.

Freelance journalist Justin Chapman stated that the rocket may have scraped against the launch apparatus and ladder, causing damage to the parachutes.

The entire event was being filmed for a Science Channel television series called Homemade Astronauts, which featured Hughes as the main star.

Personally, I don't have problems when Flat Earthers remove themselves from the gene pool.

UFO: Keep Watching The Skies!

On 8 July 1947, everything changed.
Continued below.

The intelligence office of the 509th Bombardment group at Roswell Army Air Field announced at noon today, that the field has come into possession of a flying saucer.

According to information released by the department, over authority of Maj. J. A. Marcel, intelligence officer, the disk was recovered on a ranch in the Roswell vicinity, after an unidentified rancher had notified Sheriff Geo. Wilcox, here, that he had found the instrument on his premises.

Major Marcel and a detail from his department went to the ranch and recovered the disk, it was stated.
After the intelligence office here had inspected the instrument it was flown to "higher headquarters."
The intelligence office stated that no details of the saucer's construction or its appearance had been revealed.

Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wilmot apparently were the only persons in Roswell who have seen what they thought was a flying disk.

They were sitting on their porch at 105 South Penn. last Wednesday night at about ten minutes before ten o'clock when a large glowing object zoomed out of the sky from the southeast, going in a northwesterly direction at a high rate of speed.

Wilmot called Mrs. Wilmot's attention to it and both ran down into the yard to watch. It was in sight less then a minute, perhaps 40 or 50 seconds, Wilmot estimated.

Wilmot said that it appeared to him to be about 1,500 feet high and going fast. He estimated between 400 and 500 miles per hour.

In appearance it looked oval in shape like two inverted saucers, faced mouth to mouth, or like two old type washbowls placed together in the same fashion. The entire body glowed as though light were showing through from inside, though not like it would be if a light were merely underneath.
From where he stood Wilmot said that the object looked to be about 5 feet in size, and making allowance for the distance it was from town he figured that it must have been 15 or 20 feet in diameter, though this was just a guess.

Wilmot said that he heard no sound but that Mrs. Wilmot said she heard a swishing sound for a very short time.

The object came into view from the southeast and disappeared over the treetops in the general vicinity of six-mile hill.

Wilmot, who is one of the most respected and reliable citizens in town, kept the story to himself hoping that someone else would come out and tell about having seen one, but finally today decided that he would go ahead and tell about seeing it. The announcement that the RAAF was in possession of one came only a few minutes after he decided to release the details of what he had seen.

That was the Army Air Force press release The Roswell Daily Record published on 8 July. Days earlier, people in the American Southwest reported UFO sightings—in fact, since Kenneth Arnold’s report of unknown aircraft near Mt. Rainier, thousands had seen UFO all across the country.

Then, suddenly, the USAAF retracted the story. Called it a weather balloon.

Ever since then, ufology has been debating about what or what didn’t happen. I have my own views but that’s another story.

Like the Arnold sighting, the Roswell incident has become a part of our popular culture; books, comics, movies and TV shows featuring UFOs and aliens—especially the Roswell event—have been around for decades and there’s no chance of slowing down.

Will we ever know what happened?

I don’t know.

Time, as always, will tell.

Happy Roswell Day.

Be seeing you.



05 July 2024

The Zedverse: It’s Zed’s world—and we just live in it.

 Hello there.

Welcome to the Cortex Online. This is my website for the Zedverse stories—plus my opinions, views and everything else I want to post. Yes, I’ve tried the Midnight Eye blog before . . . but it went nowhere. I’ve imported old posts that I wanted to keep but having a new website just feels good. A fresh start. One caveat: This website/blog is a work in progress, it’s in a constant state of flux. Various sections will be updated often.

Night Zero is the first novel in the Zedverse series; it’s split into a number of intertwined novellas and novelettes that’ll introduce the protagonist, Zed, and a late 2090s Earth that has a slightly different history—in fact, even the star system is different from ours. The first chapter, “My Echo, My Shadow . . . And Me,” is currently being written.

I plan on releasing the novella as both a paperback edition and an eBook via Amazon KDP. Yes, I’ve been dismissive of self-publishing in the past; I mean, I was something of a sneering rat bastard about the whole concept until noticing that a lot of my favorite writers are turning to self-publishing. Traditional publishing is a nightmare to deal with if you don’t have an agent. The independents are somewhat unstable, at times imploding and leaving writers in the lurch, their unpublished novels in a copyright quagmire. It’s a nightmare.

So, Amazon KDP it is.

What’s the Zedverse and Night Zero about?

Well. Let’s see:

The Zedverse has both cyberpunk and transhuman themes—there are dystopian and near-utopian elements in the stories. Pluto is still a planet and a small, rocky slag heap of a planet named Vulcan is located between the Sun and Mercury; all of the terrestrial planets and large moons have been terraformed—including Venus’ moon, Ishtar. And, from time to time, ancient ruins left behind by alien civilizations have been discovered.

Planets, moons and asteroids have been colonized, even a small number of comets. Orbital habs and drifts—similar to orbital habs but drifting in interplanetary space—are scattered about the Sol star system. Chimpanzees, orangutans, gorillas, mandrills, octopi, dolphins and even orcas have been gengineered to have human-level intelligence; some live in independent city-states and others live alongside humans.

Cthulhu Mythos exists. The Shaver Mystery is real.

Oh, there’s oh so much more.

But that’s a story for another day.

Until next time.

Be seeing you.
