Angelia Joined, staff reporter for the Stephenville Empire-Tribune, who broke the story about the Stephenville Lights UFO sightings. She would later lose her job.
Welcome to The Cortex Online: I am writer/freelance journalist Brad Smith and this is the official website for my Zedverse stories and blogs. The views and opinions expressed on this social media platform are entirely mine and—well, actually—do reflect what I think. Alea iacta Est—Tenebras expellit et hostes—Sic itur ad astra excelsior
26 July 2024
Netflix Docuseries Encounters: The Stephenville Lights.
Angelia Joined, staff reporter for the Stephenville Empire-Tribune, who broke the story about the Stephenville Lights UFO sightings. She would later lose her job.
25 July 2024
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23 July 2024
Ever heard
of Doggerland? Well, here’s some information about it. From Wikipedia and cited
was an area of land in Northern Europe, now submerged beneath the southern
North Sea. This region was repeatedly exposed at various times during the
Pleistocene epoch due to the lowering of sea levels during glacial periods,
though the term "Doggerland" is generally specifically used for this
region during the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene. During the early
Holocene, the exposed land area of Doggerland stretched across the region
between what is now the east coast of Great Britain, the Netherlands, the
western coast of Germany and the Danish peninsula of Jutland. Between 10,000
and 7,000 years ago, Doggerland was inundated by rising sea levels,
disintegrating initially into a series of low-lying islands before submerging
completely. The impact of the tsunami generated by the Storegga underwater
landslide c. 8200 years ago on Doggerland is controversial. The flooded land is
known as the Dogger Littoral. Doggerland was named after the Dogger Bank—which
in turn was named after 17th-century Dutch fishing boats called doggers—which
formed a highland region that became submerged later than the rest of
archaeological potential of the area was first identified in the early 20th
century, and interest intensified in 1931 when a fishing trawler operating east
of the Wash dragged up a barbed antler point that was subsequently dated to a
time when the area was tundra. Vessels have since dragged up remains of
mammoths, lions and other animals, and a few prehistoric tools and weapons.
Most archaeological evidence of human habitation dates to the Mesolithic period
during the early Holocene.
As of
2020, international teams are continuing a two-year investigation into the
submerged landscape of Doggerland using new and traditional archaeogeophysical
techniques, computer simulation, and molecular biology. Evidence gathered
allows the study of past environments, ecological change, and human transition
from hunter-gatherers to farming communities.
As ice
melted at the end of the last glacial period of the current ice age, sea levels
rose and the land began to tilt in an isostatic adjustment as the huge weight
of ice lessened. Doggerland eventually became submerged, cutting off what was
previously the British peninsula from the European mainland by around 6500 BCE.
The Dogger Bank, an upland area of Doggerland, remained an island until at
least 5000 BCE. Key stages are now believed to have included the gradual
evolution of a large tidal bay between eastern England and Dogger Bank by 9000
BCE and a rapid sea level rise thereafter, leading to Dogger Bank becoming an
island and Britain becoming physically disconnected from the continent.
A recent
hypothesis suggests that around 6200 BCE much of the remaining coastal land was
flooded by a tsunami caused by a submarine landslide off the coast of Norway
known as the Storegga Slide. This suggests “that the Storegga Slide tsunami
would have had a catastrophic impact on the contemporary coastal Mesolithic
population . . . Britain finally became separated from the continent and in
cultural terms, the Mesolithic there goes its own way.” It is estimated that up
to a quarter of the Mesolithic population of Britain lost their lives. A study published in 2014 suggested that the
only remaining parts of Doggerland at the time of the Storegga Slide were
low-lying islands, but supported the view that the area had been abandoned at
about the same time as the tsunamis.
view speculates that the Storegga tsunami devastated Doggerland, but then ebbed
back into the sea, and that later Lake Agassiz (in North America) burst,
releasing so much fresh water that sea levels rose over about two years to
flood much of Doggerland and making Great Britain an island. The difference in
the distribution of broken shells between lower-lying and high-lying parts of
the area also suggests the survival of land after the Storegga tsunami.
Here’s an
What if a
highly advanced civilization—I mean highly advanced, hundreds of years ahead of
us—existed in the Doggerland region?
What if that
civilization was the basis for the Atlantis legend?
In the
Zedverse, Earth/Tehrani/Terra has a co-orbital twin, another Earth or
Counter-Earth called Tellus. Tellus is in a similar Ice Age that gripped our
Earth thousands of years ago.
Yes, the
Doggerland region exists on Tellus . . . along with other mysteries.
One more
thing: Tellus has three moons.
For more information:
14 July 2024
Don't Let It Happen Here . . . Again.
13 July 2024
HEO: Hyper Enabled Operator
Say goodbye to the Ironman battlesuit concept: The United States military wants more James Bond than Tony Stark.
More brains, less brawn. Enjoy the read
Be seeing you.
11 July 2024
Readers: Tell Me Something . . . .
Hello there.
Welcome to the page. Thanks so much for the likes and follows.
This is a character of mine from the Fallout 4 roleplaying game. More or less, this is a good visual of what Zed looks like in Night Zero and other future stories.
I need some input from all of you.
As readers, what do you like or want from the main character?
And, well, what do you dislike or don't want?
I'm looking forward to your responses.
09 July 2024
Circa 2095 CE: Orbital Habs & Sunjammers
07 July 2024
Flat Earther Astronaut: #FAFO.
Pictured above is Mike Hughes, a staunch believer in the idiotic Flat Earth theory, who constructed a steam-powered rocket to prove his belief.
Sadly, on his final launch attempt on 22 Feb. 2020, Hughes died in a crash near Barstow, Calif. The rocket was built by both Hughes and his collaborator Waldo Stakes. Witnesses at the launch reported that the parachute, meant for landing, seemed to deploy too early and detach from the craft.
Freelance journalist Justin Chapman stated that the rocket may have scraped against the launch apparatus and ladder, causing damage to the parachutes.
The entire event was being filmed for a Science Channel television series called Homemade Astronauts, which featured Hughes as the main star.
Personally, I don't have problems when Flat Earthers remove themselves from the gene pool.
UFO: Keep Watching The Skies!
06 July 2024
A Planet Called Vulcan.
According to some sources, in the 18th Century, astronomers hypothesized that there was a planet located between the Sun and Mercury, some calling it Vulcan.
Eventually, the scientific community came to the realization that Vulcan never existed.
But, well, what if it did?
From Night Zero:
Gustav Holst’s The Planets' nine movement suite started playing as I laid in bed, reading the dataflexi; I’d arranged each movement to follow each planet’s orbital path around Sol: “Vulcan, Bringer of Fire,” “Mercury, the Winged Messenger,” “Venus, the Bringer of Peace,” “Mars, the Bringer of War,” “Jupiter, the Bringer of Jollity,” “Saturn, the Bringer of Old Age,” “Uranus, the Magician,” “Neptune, the Mystic” and “Pluto, the Bringer of Wealth.” Holst had lived long enough to see Pluto discovered and eventually added the new movement; however, Eris wasn’t known until its discovery in 1981. Mars was my favorite; the Pluto movement, with its eerily haunting choral arrangement, was also outstanding and ranked second among my favorites.
Of course, nothing was ever composed for Tellus, Earth’s co-orbital twin.